VIN from REG

Guarantee Policy

Effective as of September 2023

The VinFromReg web site is provided “as is” and VinFromReg gives NO guarantees, conditions, assurances or portrayals express or suggested that this web site will be available without any delay, errors, or any sort of mistake.

VinFromReg utilizes information in its reports provided by 3rd party sources. VinFromReg does not give any guarantee or portrayal, express or inferred, about the precision, culmination, merchantability or fittingness for a specific reason or non-encroachment of any data, materials or designs on this site. Your utilization of our administrations will be at your very own hazard, and aside from as accommodated in the legally binding terms identifying with the arrangement of its administrations, VinFromReg will not be at risk for any immediate, roundabout or significant misfortune or harm emerging from your dependence on any data contained on this site, messaged report, composed report and/or SMS report or your utilization of this site messaged report, composed report and/or SMS report, or for any typographical or different blunders or oversights inside the material contained on this site.

VinFromReg does not warrant or ensure that it has a total record of each vehicle, which might be the subject of a Hire Purchase or Leasing Agreement or that it has a total updated record of those vehicles which may at one time have stopped to be the subject of a Hire Purchase or Leasing Agreement. VinFromReg will not be deemed liable for any mishap that may incur, from the information given.