VIN from REG

Terms & Conditions

Effective as of September 2023

Usage Policy are trading names of Aha Software, United Kingdom. Please note the information provided on this website’s paid VinFromReg reports are all provided from 3rd party sources.

Using this website implies that you agree to the terms and conditions of this document. The terms and conditions on this website may change from time to time, so it is your responsibility to check this terms and conditions page every time you visit this website and/or place an order to keep up with any changes that have been made.

By placing an order on this website, you must first agree to the terms and conditions set out in this page. If you do not agree please do not place an order or use the VIN check facility and leave this website immediately.

By using this website, you agree that you will not extract, copy, replicate, scrape or screen scrape any of the data or information shown on this website unless we have first agreed to allow you to do so in writing.

While using this website, getting a paid VinFromReg report, you agree that:

By placing an order for our paid check, you agree that:

The information displayed is sourced from 3rd party sources and for this reason we cannot be held responsible if the data is inaccurate / erroneous.

Our Paid check is non-refundable once the report page has been viewed, clicked or opened. If payment has been made but the Paid check link was never clicked, viewed or opened, then we will be able to offer you a refund providing, you explain this to us when you get in contact. However, once the report has been viewed we cannot issue any refunds. Please note we keep logs of whether the report has been viewed.

In the event we fail to provide your paid report within 48 hours (if something went wrong with instant access), you are entitled to a full refund by getting in contact via email.

Intellectual property rights

The source code, names, images, designs and product names are owned by VinFromReg. You must first get written permission if you wish to use, replicate or redistribute any of VinFromReg’s content.


By using this website, you must agree that these terms shall be governed by the laws of England & Wales. You also agree that any disputes between you and VinFromReg must be dealt with in England & Wales courts.

Cancellation rights

By agreeing to these terms and conditions and because of the nature of this service, you agree to waiver your rights to cancellation or refund, if you have opened your paid check.

If you have paid but never viewed, opened, clicked or browsed to the report link then a ticket may be raised by your side to report the issue, and we shall help with your grievance once you get in contact with us.

Your personal data

We might store information such as your name, address, email, details of your search and IP address. VinFromReg may disclose this information if required to do so for law reasons such as for crime prevention or to aid recovery of stolen property/vehicles.

You agree and consent to giving VinFromReg the right to disclose all or parts of your information to law enforcement agencies or the police.

Limitations of our liability to you

All the information provided in our paid reports and checks is supplied from 3rd party sources. For this reason, we cannot guarantee or offer any warranty that this information is accurate, correct or true. You agree that we VinFromReg, its employees or directors cannot be held liable for any damages or losses that may arise due to inaccuracies or errors on this website or its reports.

Carrying out your checks

You agree that you will carry out your checks to ensure a vehicle is genuine and not a cloned, fake or stolen version of the real vehicle, which include taking the following actions:

Refunds Policy

Payment ahead of time must have been processed before you can get a VinFromReg report. No refund will be provided on the occasion that you pay for the VinFromReg report and it has already been viewed by you on PC screen, mobile screen, email, fax, post or SMS.

In the circumstance that your VinFromReg report is not received by you, just email us citing the registration number of the vehicle you checked, along with Order ID; if any of the mentioned requirements are found to be inaccurate, refund will be canceled. In the event that we are unable to provide your report through any medium (On-screen, mail, fax, post, SMS) within a 7 day time span you may demand a refund.

A full refund is accessible in the event that you pay ahead of time for a VinFromReg report and cancel the service inside the particulars of our cancellation policy as mentioned below.

In the circumstance where you have paid for a VinFromReg report, yet you wish to drop your order and you have not viewed the mentioned report yet due to technical glitch, you will reserve the option to drop the order during the time span of 7 Days from the Date of Purchase (DOP) of your VinFromReg report. It will be considered that you have accessed the report, if the report was effectively created by VinFromReg and a link to the report was sent to you by means of an email or SMS. In the event that a link to the report was not received by you, VinFromReg will attempt to resend the link to you inside the available time, given that you have notified of not receiving the report.

To be able to cancel your order with VinFromReg, you must email us with the topic expressed as “Order Cancellation” within the 7 Day working time frame as laid out above with your request to drop the service.

If a VinFromReg service has NOT been dropped in the manner portrayed above, there will be no commitment by us to provide you with the VinFromReg report indicated above and any payment received by us from you in regard of the dropped VinFromReg report will be refunded to your debit or Visa (whichever card subtleties you had informed us of), within 30 days after receipt of your request to cancel the order.

Guarantee Policy

The VinFromReg web site is provided “as is” and VinFromReg gives NO guarantees, conditions, assurances or portrayals express or suggested that this web site will be available without any delay, errors, or any sort of mistake.

VinFromReg utilizes information in its reports provided by 3rd party sources. VinFromReg does not give any guarantee or portrayal, express or inferred, about the precision, culmination, merchantability or fittingness for a specific reason or non-encroachment of any data, materials or designs on this site. Your utilization of our administrations will be at your very own hazard, and aside from as accommodated in the legally binding terms identifying with the arrangement of its administrations, VinFromReg will not be at risk for any immediate, roundabout or significant misfortune or harm emerging from your dependence on any data contained on this site, messaged report, composed report and/or SMS report or your utilization of this site messaged report, composed report and/or SMS report, or for any typographical or different blunders or oversights inside the material contained on this site.

VinFromReg does not warrant or ensure that it has a total record of each vehicle, which might be the subject of a Hire Purchase or Leasing Agreement or that it has a total updated record of those vehicles which may at one time have stopped to be the subject of a Hire Purchase or Leasing Agreement. VinFromReg will not be deemed liable for any mishap that may incur, from the information given.